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Showing posts from November, 2019

ACTION: To use block size of (0MB), set initialization parameter db_8k_cache_size.

<<Back to DB Administration Main Page ACTION: To use block size of (0MB), set initialization parameter db_8k_cache_size. dbca -silent -createDatabase -responseFile $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/dbca_ORCL.rsp [FATAL] [DBT-11101] The block size (0MB) for the tablespace SYSAUX does not match the configured block size (0MB).    ACTION: To use block size of (0MB), set initialization parameter db_8k_cache_size. Cause: database being created with db_block_size=16K parameter, while the tablespace was using 8K block_size in the template used for database creation. Solution: Ensure to use correct db_block_size for each tablespace in the create database script. If you are creating database with 16K block size use 16k block size for tablespaces too.

RMAN-08137 while Deleting Archived Logs from Standby

<<Back to Oracle DataGuard Main Page RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process happening on Physical Standby Database Cause In one of my  Physical standby database version the  above error appeared. After spending an hour looking various RMAN setting and configuration I found that value of log_archive_dest_state_2 parameter was not enabled, which eventually caused this issue.   SQL> show parameter dest_state_2 NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ log_archive_dest_state_2             string      RESET Solution: Enable parameter  log_archive_d...

RSM0 Process is killed Continuously

<<Back to Oracle DataGuard Main Page RMS0 Process is being killed on Standby Database continuously Primary drc log Data Guard Broker Status Summary:   Type                        Name                             Severity  Status   Configuration               DG_ORCLDBQ                        Warning  ORA-16607   Primary Database            ORCLDBQP                   ...