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Step by Step how to upgrade oracle Clusterware from 11g to 19c RAC
Step1> Apply Latest Patch
Ensure to download and apply latest (last) available patch. Follow the instruction from below post
Step2> Ensure following patches are applied
Patch Prerequisite 2539751.1 /2180188.1
From GI Home
$GI_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory |grep -e 28553832 -e 17617807 -e 21255373
for DB Home
from DB Home if DB also to be upgraded to 19c
$DB_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory |grep -e 17617807 -e 21255373 -e 28553832
Managing older database with 19c ASM
$GI_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory |grep -e 23186035
Step3> Create Directory
As root user create following directories and change the ownership and permissions accordingly
# mkdir -p /ora_grid/product/19c/grid
# cd /ora_grid/product/
# chown -R oracle:oinstall 19c
Step4> Unzip Clusterware Software
on first node of the cluster unzip the clusterware software in Grid Home directory create in step3
cd /stage/software/clusterware/linux_x86_64/LINUX_X86_64/grid_home
unzip -qd /ora_grid/product/19c/grid LINUX.X64_193000_grid_home.zip
cd /ora_grid/product/19c/grid
Step5> Install/Upgrade AFH on all nodes
download latest version of AHF- Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) - Including TFA and ORAchk/EXAchk (Doc ID 2550798.1)
unzip -d /ora_app /stage/software/ahf/AHF-LINUX_v24.9.0.zip
cd /ora_app
as root
# ./ahf_setup -local
Refer output log in the bottom of the post to see sample output
Step6>Run Ora Check (Optional)
cd /opt/oracle.ahf/bin
./orachk -u -o pre
Step7> Verify Prerequisite
Clusterware Software Installation Prerequisite
/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2,node3,node4
Clusterware upgrade Prerequisite
/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -upgrade -rolling -src_crshome /ora_grid/product/ -dest_crshome /ora_grid/product/19c/grid -dest_version -fixup -verbose
Step8>Apply latest RU on 19c Cluster Home installed in step4
/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/gridSetup.sh -silent -applyRU /stage/software/clusterware/linux_x86_64/19c/sap/GIRU19P_2308-70004550/35319490
NOTE: This example is based on oracle SAP RAC installation , Patch number/name for normal oracle RAC may differ however the step remains same
Step9>Perform Dry Run Upgrade
/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/gridSetup.sh -dryRunForUpgrade
Step10> Stop All Databases
srvctl stop database -d <DB_NAME>
Step11> Backup GI and OH along with OCR
cd /ora_app/product/
tar -pcvf /stage/racsap/oracle_home_bkup_node1.tar
tar -pcvf /stage/racsap/oracle_home_bkup_node2.tar
cd /ora_grid/product/
tar -pcvf /stage/racsap/gi_home_bkup_node1.tar grid
tar -pcvf /stage/racsap/gi_home_bkup_node2.tar grid
Step12>Apply latest RU
/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/gridSetup.sh -silent -applyRU /ora_stage/software/clusterware/linux_x86_64/19c/sap/GIRU19P_2308-70004550/35319490
Step13>Perform Dry Run
/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/gridSetup.sh -dryRunForUpgrade
Step14>Perform Upgrade
unset following environment variable before proceed
unset ORA_NLS10
echo $ORA_NLS10
echo $PATH
env |grep ORA
env |grep TNS
export PATH=/ora_grid/product/
follow on screen instruction to proceed with upgrade
when prompted run rootupgrade.sh
rootupgrade.sh must be executed on node1 first wait to finish
then execute on all other node except last node. once finished on all nodes , proceed to execute rootupgrade.sh on last node
Output Step 5
# ./ahf_setup -local
AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64
AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_237000_27012_2023_08_07-12_45_33.log
Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation
AHF Version: 23.7.0 Build Date: 202307281326
AHF is already installed at /ora_grid/oracle.ahf
Installed AHF Version: 21.4.0 Build Date: 202112200745
Do you want to upgrade AHF [Y]|N : Y
Upgrading /ora_grid/oracle.ahf
Shutting down AHF Services
Upgrading AHF Services
Beginning Retype Index
TFA Home: /ora_grid/oracle.ahf/tfa
Moving existing indexes into temporary folder
Index file for index moved successfully
Index file for index_metadata moved successfully
Index file for complianceindex moved successfully
Moved indexes successfully
Starting AHF Services
Do you want AHF to store your My Oracle Support Credentials for Automatic Upload ? Y|[N] : N
| Host | TFA Version | TFA Build ID | Upgrade Status |
| NODE1 | | 23700020230728132609 | UPGRADED |
Setting up AHF CLI and SDK
AHF is successfully upgraded to latest version
Moving /tmp/ahf_install_237000_27012_2023_08_07-12_45_33.log to /ora_log/oracle.ahf/data/NODE1/diag/ahf/
rootupgrade.sh Execution log
node1:/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto # /ora_grid/product/19c/grid/rootupgrade.sh
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /ora_grid/product/19c/grid
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The file "dbhome" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
The file "oraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
The file "coraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Relinking oracle with rac_on option
Using configuration parameter file: /ora_grid/product/19c/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
The log of current session can be found at:
2024/04/12 11:27:17 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 1 of 18: 'UpgradeTFA'.
2024/04/12 11:27:17 CLSRSC-4015: Performing install or upgrade action for Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2024/04/12 11:27:18 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 2 of 18: 'ValidateEnv'.
2024/04/12 11:27:18 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 3 of 18: 'GetOldConfig'.
2024/04/12 11:27:18 CLSRSC-692: Checking whether CRS entities are ready for upgrade. This operation may take a few minutes.
2024/04/12 11:27:55 CLSRSC-4003: Successfully patched Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2024/04/12 11:29:32 CLSRSC-693: CRS entities validation completed successfully.
2024/04/12 11:29:35 CLSRSC-464: Starting retrieval of the cluster configuration data
Failure 19 at Cluster Synchronization Services context initialization
CRS-4693: Failed to back up the voting file for Cluster Synchronization Service.
CRS-4000: Command Backup failed, or completed with errors.
crsctl backup votedisk on OCR failed
2024/04/12 11:29:43 CLSRSC-515: Starting OCR manual backup.
2024/04/12 11:29:52 CLSRSC-516: OCR manual backup successful.
2024/04/12 11:29:59 CLSRSC-486:
At this stage of upgrade, the OCR has changed.
Any attempt to downgrade the cluster after this point will require a complete cluster outage to restore the OCR.
2024/04/12 11:29:59 CLSRSC-541:
To downgrade the cluster:
1. All nodes that have been upgraded must be downgraded.
2024/04/12 11:29:59 CLSRSC-542:
2. Before downgrading the last node, the Grid Infrastructure stack on all other cluster nodes must be down.
2024/04/12 11:30:04 CLSRSC-465: Retrieval of the cluster configuration data has successfully completed.
2024/04/12 11:30:04 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 4 of 18: 'GenSiteGUIDs'.
2024/04/12 11:30:05 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 5 of 18: 'UpgPrechecks'.
2024/04/12 11:30:13 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 6 of 18: 'SetupOSD'.
2024/04/12 11:30:13 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 7 of 18: 'PreUpgrade'.
2024/04/12 11:30:38 CLSRSC-468: Setting Oracle Clusterware and ASM to rolling migration mode
2024/04/12 11:30:38 CLSRSC-482: Running command: '/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/bin/asmca -silent -upgradeNodeASM -nonRolling false -oldCRSHome /ora_grid/product/ -oldCRSVersion -firstNode true -startRolling true '
ASM configuration upgraded in local node successfully.
2024/04/12 11:30:46 CLSRSC-469: Successfully set Oracle Clusterware and ASM to rolling migration mode
2024/04/12 11:30:53 CLSRSC-466: Starting shutdown of the current Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack
2024/04/12 11:31:20 CLSRSC-467: Shutdown of the current Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack has successfully completed.
2024/04/12 11:31:23 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 8 of 18: 'CheckCRSConfig'.
2024/04/12 11:31:24 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 9 of 18: 'UpgradeOLR'.
2024/04/12 11:31:34 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 10 of 18: 'ConfigCHMOS'.
2024/04/12 11:31:34 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 11 of 18: 'UpgradeAFD'.
2024/04/12 11:31:39 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 12 of 18: 'createOHASD'.
2024/04/12 11:31:44 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 13 of 18: 'ConfigOHASD'.
2024/04/12 11:31:44 CLSRSC-329: Replacing Clusterware entries in file 'oracle-ohasd.service'
2024/04/12 11:32:12 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 14 of 18: 'InstallACFS'.
2024/04/12 11:32:23 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 15 of 18: 'InstallKA'.
2024/04/12 11:32:27 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 16 of 18: 'UpgradeCluster'.
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 5 detected.
Successfully taken the backup of node specific configuration in OCR.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
2024/04/12 11:46:22 CLSRSC-343: Successfully started Oracle Clusterware stack
2024/04/12 11:46:26 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 17 of 18: 'UpgradeNode'.
2024/04/12 11:46:28 CLSRSC-474: Initiating upgrade of resource types
2024/04/12 11:47:29 CLSRSC-475: Upgrade of resource types successfully initiated.
2024/04/12 11:47:35 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 18 of 18: 'PostUpgrade'.
2024/04/12 11:47:42 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded
node1:/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto #
2nd node
node2:~ # /ora_grid/product/19c/grid/rootupgrade.sh
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
ORACLE_HOME= /ora_grid/product/19c/grid
Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The file "dbhome" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
The file "oraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
The file "coraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Relinking oracle with rac_on option
Using configuration parameter file: /ora_grid/product/19c/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
The log of current session can be found at:
2024/04/12 11:49:23 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 1 of 18: 'UpgradeTFA'.
2024/04/12 11:49:23 CLSRSC-4015: Performing install or upgrade action for Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2024/04/12 11:49:23 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 2 of 18: 'ValidateEnv'.
2024/04/12 11:49:23 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 3 of 18: 'GetOldConfig'.
2024/04/12 11:49:28 CLSRSC-464: Starting retrieval of the cluster configuration data
2024/04/12 11:49:31 CLSRSC-465: Retrieval of the cluster configuration data has successfully completed.
2024/04/12 11:49:31 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 4 of 18: 'GenSiteGUIDs'.
2024/04/12 11:49:31 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 5 of 18: 'UpgPrechecks'.
2024/04/12 11:49:33 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 6 of 18: 'SetupOSD'.
2024/04/12 11:49:33 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 7 of 18: 'PreUpgrade'.
ASM configuration upgraded in local node successfully.
2024/04/12 11:49:38 CLSRSC-466: Starting shutdown of the current Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack
2024/04/12 11:49:59 CLSRSC-4003: Successfully patched Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector.
2024/04/12 11:50:07 CLSRSC-467: Shutdown of the current Oracle Grid Infrastructure stack has successfully completed.
2024/04/12 11:50:11 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 8 of 18: 'CheckCRSConfig'.
2024/04/12 11:50:12 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 9 of 18: 'UpgradeOLR'.
2024/04/12 11:50:18 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 10 of 18: 'ConfigCHMOS'.
2024/04/12 11:50:18 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 11 of 18: 'UpgradeAFD'.
2024/04/12 11:50:19 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 12 of 18: 'createOHASD'.
2024/04/12 11:50:20 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 13 of 18: 'ConfigOHASD'.
2024/04/12 11:50:20 CLSRSC-329: Replacing Clusterware entries in file 'oracle-ohasd.service'
2024/04/12 11:50:40 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 14 of 18: 'InstallACFS'.
2024/04/12 11:50:47 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 15 of 18: 'InstallKA'.
2024/04/12 11:50:48 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 16 of 18: 'UpgradeCluster'.
2024/04/12 11:51:39 CLSRSC-343: Successfully started Oracle Clusterware stack
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 19 detected.
Successfully taken the backup of node specific configuration in OCR.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
2024/04/12 11:51:48 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 17 of 18: 'UpgradeNode'.
Start upgrade invoked..
Upgrading CRS managed objects
Upgrading 71 CRS resources
Completed upgrading CRS resources
Upgrading 72 CRS types
Completed upgrading CRS types
Upgrading 35 CRS server pools
Completed upgrading CRS server pools
Upgrading 2 old servers
Completed upgrading servers
CRS upgrade has completed.
2024/04/12 11:52:23 CLSRSC-478: Setting Oracle Clusterware active version on the last node to be upgraded
2024/04/12 11:52:23 CLSRSC-482: Running command: '/ora_grid/product/19c/grid/bin/crsctl set crs activeversion'
Started to upgrade the active version of Oracle Clusterware. This operation may take a few minutes.
Started to upgrade the OCR.
Started to upgrade CSS.
CSS was successfully upgraded.
Started to upgrade Oracle ASM.
Started to upgrade CRS.
CRS was successfully upgraded.
Started to upgrade Oracle ACFS.
Oracle ACFS was successfully upgraded.
Successfully upgraded the active version of Oracle Clusterware.
Oracle Clusterware active version was successfully set to
2024/04/12 11:54:28 CLSRSC-479: Successfully set Oracle Clusterware active version
2024/04/12 11:54:33 CLSRSC-476: Finishing upgrade of resource types
2024/04/12 11:55:25 CLSRSC-477: Successfully completed upgrade of resource types
2024/04/12 11:55:42 CLSRSC-595: Executing upgrade step 18 of 18: 'PostUpgrade'.
Successfully updated XAG resources.
2024/04/12 11:55:58 CLSRSC-325: Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded
node2:~ #
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